
LA PEROUSE through philately
By Jean-Pierre THOMAS (Association Salomon)
The inspiration for this article came to us from many exchanges with General Bertrand Potel, erudite and passionate about military history. Having recently discovered our archaeological research through the reports of Yves Bourgeois on our...

Commodor Phillip « beating » La Pérouse to Botany Bay ?
British Royal Guard Infantry Uniform Button (Troop Model 1780-1790) found at the wreck site of La Boussole. Photo P. Dancel.
By Raymond Proner and Jean-Pierre Thomas (Association Salomon).
Commodore Phillip "beating" La Pérouse to Botany Bay?
The French...

The alaska cannon
Photo N°1 - The stone throwing mortar of M. James T. Brennan in Port Townsend.
Traduit par Ghislaine Jauselon et Don Church
On January 29, 2020, the Maritime Museum of Nouméa received a surprising message from Mr. James T. Brennan, an American living in Port Townsend,...

The exceptional lead sounding-weight found in Vanikoro
Traduit par Ghislaine Jauselon et Don Church
In 2008, the Salomon association organized its eighth expedition to Vanikoro in the foot steps of the La Perouse expedition, with the support of the Dumont D’Urville, batral of the Nationale Marine.
On land, at sea and on the reef,...

Lituya Bay or Port des Français
Traduit par Ghislaine Jauselon et Don Church
Spectacular scenery
In the coolness of the summer, in the south east of the gulf of Alaska, in July 2019, her back to the pacific ocean, Jade, magnificient trawler, makes her way into a narrow passage, opening into a vast bay with a...